JazzNews is edited by Karl Dallas, who has been writing about jazz since 1948, for publications like Melody Maker, Acoustic Music, and Jazz Music News. He has also had his own jazz show, "Swing with Karl Dallas", on British Forces Radio, and currently broadcasts his "Swing Easy" show on Bradford Community Broadcasting.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Taking time off

Following two bad bouts of flu I'm taking a couple of weeks off. If urgent, please call my cellphone.

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I am posting here chapters from my unpublished 1989 novel about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, set in modern times. The Roman soldiers carry sub-machine guns, the birth takes place in a car park shed, and Judas is a terrorist. At the moment, chapters are displayed in the order they are posted, but in due course, they will appear in the order they appear in the book.